Wednesday 12 September 2012

A New Step Ahead


It's been a few weeks since I last post anything. That's mainly because I was away in Johor to further my studies. I am currently a postgraduate student taking Masters in Science Biotechnology in UTM, Skudai, Johor.

It's been okay so far.. Even though I couldn't get my own single room, I have found a room mate who understands me. (hopefully ^_^)
The reason why I want a single room is because It's hard for me to sleep if the light is on or if the room is noisy. But I guess It's been okay so far.

Classes were okay, I am learning things that I have learnt previously during my undergraduate study. However, I might have to compete since there are more than half international students in the class. Hopefully, the subjects and tests aren't too difficult. Heh...

I guess you could say I am enjoying life as a student instead of a working lady. heh... I find studying or going to class and relaxing when I don't have classes to be very efficient. I plan to join Unimas or other universities or college to teach and hopefully be send and sponsored to do my PhD somewhere overseas. But that will have to wait till i get married or something.

On another note, I am feeling sad that he's away for 3 months to do his practical in Poland. I am proud of him. But since I am here in his hometown, it's sad that he isn't here to guide me. But I am learning to become independent on my own. I guess we cannot always lean on someone to support you all the way, right?

I'll cut this short. I lost my mood to write anyway. Till next time~


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