Tuesday 25 September 2012

A Day Of Cancelled Bioinformatics Class


I woke up feeling very lazy to go to my Bioinformatics class for today! I had 3in1 Nestum honey and a chocolate muffin (thanks cik kam) for breakfast this morning. Then, I was ready to go and fired up after a very cold morning shower. Yes, the shower here is absolutely cold in the morning. Especially at 7 am.

When I parked and walked for about 8 minutes, I reached the door. It said "Bioinformatics classes are cancelled this week." I stared at the notice and I looked inside the door. Is this an old notice, for undergrads, or did everyone of my classmates inside the class did not see the note? Hurm.. Then i just took a place next to a familiar face and sat down. We waited for 30 mins or so until this guy decided to ask us, who our lecturer was. Only THEN did he tell us our lecturer has a meeting. *sigh....* (-__-)'

I was already excited and awake enough by that time to go back and sleep... Heh... So, I went back to wait for my next class at 11am.

When I got back to my hostel, there was this girl who could not get her Kancil to start. In my head, "Poor girl, i used to remember being in that situation when my getz couldn't start." Then i walked up to her and asked what happened. She did not know why her car could not start. Me being a junior mechanic now, thanks to my faithful and attention seeking Getz, helped her out by using the jump start cable my fiance bought for me last time.

For those who have never seen it:

Get one, it costs me RM35 i think. But it's for your own good. One day, you'll need it!

And Alhamdulillah.. The car managed to start! I felt happy that I could help someone even though I did not know her. InsyaAllah dapat pahala lebih sikit arini :D

So, the lesson I am trying to tell here is that it is important to check and take note of when you bought your car battery. For those who uses the "wet" battery, don't forget to feed her up with battery water. It's only about RM2-3 i think. I prefer using the no-maintainance battery. Don't let your battery dry or she'll get angry!

Since I will have to drive on my own to KL from JB on 12th October, I'll have to remind myself to check my tires and everything before my long journey. Doakan I selamat, okay?

UPM, see you on 13th October 2012 for my convocation! YAY!


Wednesday 12 September 2012

A New Step Ahead


It's been a few weeks since I last post anything. That's mainly because I was away in Johor to further my studies. I am currently a postgraduate student taking Masters in Science Biotechnology in UTM, Skudai, Johor.

It's been okay so far.. Even though I couldn't get my own single room, I have found a room mate who understands me. (hopefully ^_^)
The reason why I want a single room is because It's hard for me to sleep if the light is on or if the room is noisy. But I guess It's been okay so far.

Classes were okay, I am learning things that I have learnt previously during my undergraduate study. However, I might have to compete since there are more than half international students in the class. Hopefully, the subjects and tests aren't too difficult. Heh...

I guess you could say I am enjoying life as a student instead of a working lady. heh... I find studying or going to class and relaxing when I don't have classes to be very efficient. I plan to join Unimas or other universities or college to teach and hopefully be send and sponsored to do my PhD somewhere overseas. But that will have to wait till i get married or something.

On another note, I am feeling sad that he's away for 3 months to do his practical in Poland. I am proud of him. But since I am here in his hometown, it's sad that he isn't here to guide me. But I am learning to become independent on my own. I guess we cannot always lean on someone to support you all the way, right?

I'll cut this short. I lost my mood to write anyway. Till next time~


Sunday 2 September 2012

"Nyaman" Things in Sarawak!


Hi! I guess it's time I talk a bit about the things I am most familiar with;  my favorite local food! heh...  :D 

"Nyaman" entails delicious in Sarawak language/slang.

My favorite local food has got to be Laksa Sarawak, which is famous here in Kuching. A bowl usually cost about RM4-5 at a restaurant. In a bowl, you'll find "bihun", a white thin noodle, bean sprout, thinly-sliced rolled eggs, prawns and of course the broth and a bit of spicy sambal and a slice of lime. The best places to get this delicacy is at Pak Amit's Cafe at Jalan Astana or near the Sunday Market at Satok. Or at food court stall in The Spring, Kuching.

Next, is Kolok Mee. What I love about this dish is the soup and spicy soy sauce sambal that come separately with the noodle and slices of beef. (or chicken). Therefore, you can choose having it dry or with the soup. However, without the sambal, it will just turn out a bland bowl of noodle. It costs around RM3.50-5.00 per bowl. I used to eat them at Chilipeppers near MAS office in the afternoon. Of course, you can also find this dish at The Bimmers cafe at Gitak or one of the food stalls in Kubah Ria.

Another local dish here in Sarawak has got to be Ayam Pansuh. It's a traditional dish of chicken cooked and stuffed insidie a bamboo with different kinds of leaves and herbs that will give the chicken a burst of flavors. I have never cooked this dish, therefore I am not an expert on how it is done. I find that some people have different taste buds. I enjoy this dish if it is cooked well with enough spices and herbs.

When in Sarawak, don't forget to try the "terubok masin". It's basically a salted fish that is fried. Best eaten with rice and some chilies and lime. Do beware of the sharp and minuscule fish bones! But it is always worth it. 

Kuching is also famous for their deserts. One of the many sought after deserts is "ais kacang". I know you can get this in Peninsular M'sia as well. However, Sarawak Ais Kacang is definitely different in terms of taste and texture. I would recommend you to try Swee Kang's Ais Kacang or Lock Ann's Cafe. What is famous about this is that it uses "Gula Apong", which is the brown substance that is a type of sugar found in Sarawak. It is different from "gula Melaka" that can be found in Peninsular M'sia. Underneath layers of fine ice, there are red beans, cincau (grass jelly), cendol, agar-agar and sago. A bowl of this is about RM2.00-2.50.

When you intend to visit, don't forget Sarawak Layered Cakes. There are many stores that sells layered cakes. Three of the famous ones are Afifi's, Mira Cake House and Dayang's. Assorted designs, flavors and colors can be found. I prefer baking them for the festive season of Aidilfitri. There are so many names for the cakes such as Pua Kumbu, lapis Cadbury, lapis masam manis, lapis Tarendak and so on. It's usually made from eggs, butter (some cheaper cakes are made from margarine, I prefer using butter), sugar and assorted ingredients. 

And not forgetting my fav drink. It's called Teh C Peng Special. It has 3 layers, bottom one is the "gula apong", second is the evaporated milk and the top most is tea. A glass of this usually cost RM2-3. It is refreshing, especially during hot weather. Stir the whole content before having a sip! ;)

There you go! These are some of the local favs. Tell me what you love!
