Friday 29 March 2013

Second Semester of Master in UTM


Another semester has started a few months ago in January and now it's nearing April!

How fast time flies when you're having fun. Right?

The first few weeks of lecture, there were many cancelled classes and so little assignments. Two of my core subjects are supposed to have mini projects that needs to be conducted in the lab. The lecturers told us it will commence in March. And guess what, it has not even started yet. Maybe the lab and chemicals are not yet readied.

Don't they (lecturers and all involved) care that once they think that we don't have enough time then they will then ask us to do EVERYTHING at one go? Class replacements, mini projects, analysis, assignments, presentations and tests? I mean, we have a course outline. Why can't they follow this properly?

Why bother giving us the course outline if you don't follow it?

Oh and test is based on e-books. Which are more than a hundred pages of tiny lil words.

Imagine all 60 plus of us are going to be 2 weeks from now.

Oh. Not forgetting that mid sem break is almost here. AND they have decided to pack us up with LOADS of work. Oh well. no rest for the wicked. Who says studying is easier than working?

Of course, there are benefits of this. Ada hikmah nya nanti. *positive thinking*

Enough of me venting my frustration. 

What should you expect when you further your studies into postgraduate level?
1. Excellent time management: You gotta 'work' all around the clock. Of course, you should also have good time-management when you're working. However, postgraduate students must always be able to manage their time for classes (morning till night, i have class till 11pm), lab research work (if you have it... if not, consider yourself lucky!), discussion with group members, discussion with lecturers, studying, doing homework, assignments and of course having fun and enough rest.

2. Good communication skills: I have over 80% of foreign students in my classes and sometimes it pays to have good communication skills as language, slang and lifestyle may be different. Sometimes you have to be stern with some of your classmates or friends if they do not do the work assigned to them. Duh!

3. Determination: Even though you're going through a very difficult time during your studies, be diligent and stay strong! patience is the key, you'll definitely need a lot of it. 

4. Good friends: Well, find good friends. Not those who only contact you in times of need. 

So, those are a few tips and motivational words that I could share being almost a year in my master study. I guess it serves as a reminder for me, too. 

When things are hard, think of God Allah swt, your parents, loved ones and good friends. Think about why you are pursuing your masters degree. InsyaAllah, you will be more focussed and less emotional. 

Till next time.
